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What to Submit in your Prospectus?

SACSCOC provides a detailed outline of required information for each type of prospectus to be submitted for approval. In this section, we will cover the information with is common to all prospectuses as well specific requirements based on the institutional or program change.

When completing a SACSCOC prospectus, it is imperative to utilize the outline provided verbatim. The SACSCOC reviewers are familiar with these outlines and it assists them 确保适当的信息提交,因为他们能够快速 identify where the information would be located.

All prospectuses have a 25 page limit. While this does not include appendices, it 鼓励有节制地使用这些信息,并且只用于直接的信息 relevant to the prospectus being submitted.


Common Prospectus Content

  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Transmittal letter signed by the CEO or liaison briefly explaining the submission
  3. List of programs offered by the institution
  4. Abstract
    1. Briefly describe the proposal change to include the implementation date
    2. Provide projected number of students
    3. Indicate the projected life of the change
    4. Describe the primary target audience or market
    5. Describe the strengths of the institution to undertake the change
  5. 描述变更的需求是如何确定的以及变更是如何被批准的 by the institution
  6. 描述变化如何与机构的使命和目标相一致
  7. Provide documentation of faculty involvement in the planning and approval of the change
  8. 如果主管部门要求批准,请提供变更的法律授权证明 governing board or state
  1. Provide a completed faculty roster form for faculty members scheduled to teach in the new program, site, or method of delivery
  2. For a new program, demonstrate the institution has at least one faculty member qualified in the discipline to develop the curriculum and teach in the program
  3. Provide narrative with supporting evidence that the number of full-time faculty members will be adequate to support the initiative and describe the impact on faculty workload of the new program, site or distance delivery
  4. 对于研究生项目,要证明教师的学术能力和研究能力 members teaching in the program and if applicable document faculty experiences in directing student research or creative work.

Library and Learning Resources

  1. List and describe discipline-specific learning resources to support a new program
  2. Document discipline-specific refereed journals and primary source materials
  3. 描述学生如何在校外的教学场所注册一个新项目 or in a distance education program can access discipline-specific library and learning resources
  4. 描述如何让学生了解图书馆和可供学习的资源 他们如何学习如何访问资源并指导如何使用 of online resources, as well as on-site library resources
  5. 描述支持学生访问和使用图书馆和学习的资源 resources


Student Support Services

  1. Describe specific program, services, and activities which will support students enrolled in the new program or off-campus site


Physical Resources

  1. 描述可用于支持拟议变更的财务资源,包括 a budget for the first year of the proposed change.
  2. Include in the budget resources going to institutions or organizations for contractual or support services for the program
  3. Include projected revenues and expenditures and cash flow for the proposed change
  4. Include a contingency plan in case expected revenues do not materialize
  1. Provide a brief description of institutional assessment processes.
  2. Describe how the institution will incorporate the proposed change into the institution-wide assessment infrastructure and processes

Institutional Changes Prospectus Content

  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Describe the current measure and the proposed measure of student progress to completion
  3. Describe the rationale for the change
  4. Provide a narrative explanation or char illustrating the conversion equivalency between the current method and proposed method
  5. Demonstrate the proposed method will maintain compliance with Standard 9.2
  6. 提供证据证明拟议的措施已公布,并可供所有有关人员查阅 parties in compliance with Standard 9.7
  7. Provide evidence the proposed measure is published in institutional policy and accurately reflects how the policy and procedures will be implemented in compliance with Standard 10.1
  8. 描述机构将如何确定授予的学分的数量和等级 for its courses under the proposed measure regardless of the method of delivery.
  9. 描述机构将如何监督政策的执行 the SACSCOC Credit Hours policy and Standard 10.7
  1. Provide Common Content A
  2. Provide a description of the program or programs that will be taught via credit/course-based competency-based education methodology for the first time
  3. Describe the infrastructure to support credit/course-based competency-based education
  4. 描述教师将如何在基于学分/课程的能力基础上接受培训 education and how courses will be developed
  5. Describe technical support for students enrolled in courses delivered by credit/course-based competency-based education and technical support for faculty members
  6. Common Content B
  7. Common Content C
  8. Describe how effectiveness of programs offered via credit/course-based competency-based education will be assessed
  9. Common content D
  1. Common Content A
  2. Provide a description of the first program that will be taught 50% or more via distance education
  3. Describe the infrastructure to support distance delivery methods to include the learning management system and the administrative structure to support distance education
  4. Describe how faculty members will be trained in distance delivery methodology and how courses will be developed
  5. 描述为远程授课的学生提供的技术支持 methods and technical support for faculty members
  6. Document compliance with Standard 10.6
  7. 文件机构的批准在任何州的远程教育学生 may be
  8. Common Content B
  9. Common Content C
  10. Describe how effectiveness of programs offered via distance delivery will be assessed
  11. Common Content D
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Current physical address and proposed physical address
  3. Planned implementation date or effective date of relocation
  4. Describe the rationale and need for the relocation
  5. Provide evidence the relocation has been approved by the institution’s governing board
  6. Describe the planned process for the relocation
  7. Provide projected number of students to be impacted
  8. 描述将在建议地点使用的教学方法 and if they differ from the current location
  9. 描述在当前地点提供的教育项目和项目 be offered at the proposed location
  10. 提供支持证据的叙述,全职教师在新的 location will be adequate
  11. Describe the impact of relocation on library and learning resources
  12. Describe the impact of relocation on student support services
  13. Describe the physical facilities of the proposed locate and how they are adequate to appropriately serve the needs of the institutions educational programs
  14. Describe how the institution will provide a healthy, safe and secure environment
  15. Describe financial resources available for the relocation, include a three year budget
  16. Provide a contingency plan in the event required resources to fund the relocation do not materialize
  17. Describe the impact of relocation on assessment of student learning outcomes
  18. Describe the impact of the relocation on the assessment of academic and student services
  1. Substantive Change Cover Letter
  2. Provide the current mission statement
  3. Provide the proposed mission statement
  4. Provide the planned implementation date
  5. Provide evidence of the institution’s governing board approval
  6. Describe the impetus and rationale for the change
  7. 评估对机构投资组合中项目的数量和组合的影响
  8. 评估短期和长期对教师数量和组成的影响 term
  9. Assess the impact on staff members
  10. Describe the impact on non-academic operations of the institution
  11. Describe the current financial stability of the institution
  12. Assess the financial impact of the mission change
  13. 请描述由于任务变动而可能发生的任何实质性变化

Program Changes Prospectus Content

  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Name of the program
  3. Credential of the program
  4. Instructional level of the program
  5. Effective date of the change
  6. Description of the conversion
  7. Explain the motivation and rationale for the change
  8. 证明当前度量和建议度量之间的等价性 formula utilized for the conversion
  9. Demonstrate that this will not negatively impact student learning outcomes
  10. Demonstrate that this will not negatively impact time to completion
  11. Asses the change relative to the SACSCOC Credit Hours policy
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Program or programs for which the entity/entities will provide academic content
  3. Rationale for entering into the agreement
  4. Description of the expected benefits to the students and institution
  5. Name and contact information for at least one person at the institution and participation entity
  6. Demonstrate the institution's determination that the entity or entities in the agreement 为进行实质性变更的目的,如 本政策之合作学术安排定义及指引部分. 
  7. A statement of the institution's intent for students enrolled in the program (s) covered under the agreement to be eligible to receive title IV federal financial aid including the portion of each program or programs that will be eligible
    1. if the intent is for the students to receive title IV aid 
      • 证明该机构已经评估并达成了诚信结论 program (s) title IV eligibility under the terms of the agreement and
      • if any portion of any program or programs will not be eligible for title IV aid, demonstrate the institution's plan to communicate this information 
    2. if the intent is students will not receive title IV aid, demonstrate the institution's plan to communicate this information to the affected students
  8. Common Content B
  9. Copy of a signed, dated, and written agreement amongst all parties
    1. Roles and responsibilities
    2. Description of the regularly scheduled evaluation process to validate quality and integrity content
    3. 描述的定期审查和批准的各方当然 content and program curricula
    4. Common Content B
    5. Assessment of student learning outcomes and acceptable thresholds of demonstrated student learning
    6. 样板语言说明SACSCOC认证不扩展到非SACSCOC 实体和规定机构有责任确保其遵守 participating entity
    7. 定期审查协议的规定,包括续约和终止
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. For each partnering institution provide:
    1. Name, address and web address
    2. Institutional accreditor
    3. If accreditor is a U.S. Department of Education recognized institutional accreditor
  3. Provide the name and contact information for the primary responsible party
  4. Copy of a dated and signed agreement between or amongst all participating institutions
  5. For each partnering institution accredited by USDE recognized institutional accreditor, document each institution is not on public sanction by the accreditor
  6. Describe the program curriculum and graduation requirements
  7. Document how the institution meets provisions of Standard 10.9
  8. Document how the institution considers and awards transfer credit from another institution
  9. Describe the institution’s plan to monitor and ensure that the quality of contributions made by the partner institutions meet SACSCOC expectations
  10. Plan and process produced by the SACSCOC accredited institution ensuring that the 协议似乎并没有导致SACSCOC认证延长的表象 to the partner institutions
  11. 描述课程和其他项目要求是如何转录的 institution will maintain official academic transcripts
  12. 描述学校计划颁发的单个证书或文凭 imprints and signatures of the officer of each participating institution
  13. Demonstrate that written agreement includes boilerplate language that SACSCOC accreditation does not extend to non-SACSCOC entities
  14. A description of
    1. Any external governmental or accrediting agency approval for the institution or program involved in the agreement
    2. Process of quality assurance used by the agency granting this approval
    3. Any required legal or licensing approvals
  15. Documentation that faculty involved in the collaboration are qualified to teach assigned components or courses and a description of the means by SACSCOC accredited institutions will monitor these qualifications
  16. 机构的实物资源和学习资源的文件 not accredited by a USDE recognized accreditor
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Name of the program
  3. Credential to be awarded
  4. Instructional level
  5. Method of deliver to be added
  6. Implementation date
  7. Assessment of the impact of the addition of a method of delivery
  8. 证明增加一种授课方式不会对学生产生负面影响 learning outcomes, student support services, library and learning resources, or institutional financial security
  1. Common Content A
  2. Curriculum for the program
  3. Projected schedule of course offerings for the program
  4. Provide program specific goals and specific student learning outcomes for the program
  5. Describe how the student learning outcomes will be assessed
  6. Provide course descriptions for all courses
  7. Describe admissions and graduation requirements for the program
  8. Demonstrate compliance with Standard 10.7
  9. Describe administrative oversight to ensure the quality of the program
  10. If program is offered in a compressed time frame, describe the methodology for determining 这种知识和能力水平可以与传统格式的学生相媲美
  11. Common Content B
  12. Common Content C
  13. Common Content D
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Name of the program
  3. Credential to be awarded
  4. Program’s instructional level
  5. Implementation date
  6. Description of the prior learning required as condition of admission
  7. Description of how the institution:
    1. Will assess prior learning
    2. Award credit for prior learning
    3. Establish the validity of its prior learning assessment
    4. How faculty are involved in the assessment of prior learning
    5. How faculty involved in the assessment of prior learning are qualified in the disciplines in which credit is being awarded
    6. 在教师参与下,机构如何定期评估第三方 which it relies for prior learning assessment
  8. Demonstrate compliance with Standard 10.7
  9. Provide specific programmatic goals and specific student learning outcomes
  10. Provide course descriptions for all courses in the proposed program
  11. Describe administrative oversight to ensure quality of the program
  12. For a program offered in compressed time frame, describe the methodology for determining that levels of knowledge and competencies comparable to those required in traditional formats have been achieved
  13. Common content B
  14. Common content C
  15. Common content D
  16. 评估增加一个为程序设计的程序的影响 prior learning relative to the reason the institution is on Substantive Change Restriction
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Description of the program
  3. Implementation date
  4. Describe the rationale for the increase or decrease in program length
  5. Describe how the change was approved by the institution
  6. Describe how the faculty was involved in the review and approval of the planned change
  7. Provide a before and after curriculum comparison
  8. 描述由于课程长度变化而导致的学生学习成果的变化
  9. Provide an analysis of the impact of the change in student learning outcomes
  10. For a decrease in program length, explain how program quality and integrity are maintained with fewer credit hours and/or shorter time to complete
  11. Provide an explanation of the impact on students’ time to completion
  12. Provide an explanation of the financial impact to students
  13. Provide an explanation of the impact on staffing and faculty workloads
  1. Completed Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Site name
  3. Physical Address or location of the site
  4. Implementation date
  5. Indicate if it will be a branch campus
  6. If it will be a branch campus:
    1. Site is geographically apart from the main campus
    2. Instruction is delivered at site
    3. Site is permanent
    4. Site offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, diploma, certificate or other credential
    5. Site has its own faculty and administrative organization
    6. Site has its own budgetary and hiring authority
  7. 机构必须在机构一级展示监督和管理的能力 provide ongoing support for off-campus instructional sites by:
    1. 示范学校如何对校外进行行政监督 ensuring academic control of all sites
    2. 说明机构将如何进行学术评估和评估过程 这包括对每个校外地点进行定期和有力的评估和评估
    3. Demonstrating how institution will engage in ongoing and thorough long-range planning processed for expansion of instructional and other services to off-campus sites
    4. Demonstrating financial resources and financial stability by submitted for review 该机构最近的两份财务报表和最近的财务审计 aid statement
  8. Common content A
  9. Describe educational program to be offered
  10. Provide documentation of approval to operate in the state where a site is located if out of state
  11. 提供第一年的课程安排和课程描述 of operation
  12. Common Content B
  13. Common Content C
  14. 描述启动和提供持续支持项目所需的财政资源 site and availability and source of the resources
  15. On year budget for the new site
  16. 如果是分校,则需要三年的收入和费用预算
  1. Completed Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Site name
  3. Physical Address or location of the site
  4. Implementation date
  5. Indicate if it will be a branch campus
  6. If it will be a branch campus:
    1. Site is geographically apart from the main campus
    2. Instruction is delivered at site
    3. Site is permanent
    4. Site offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, diploma, certificate or other credential
    5. Site has its own faculty and administrative organization
    6. Site has its own budgetary and hiring authority
  7. Common content A
  8. Describe educational program to be offered
  9. Provide documentation of approval to operate in the state where a site is located if out of state
  10. 提供第一年的课程安排和课程描述 of operation
  11. Common Content B
  12. Common Content C
  13. 描述启动和提供持续支持项目所需的财政资源 site and availability and source of the resources
  14. On year budget for the new site
  15. 如果是分校,则需要三年的收入和费用预算
  1. Substantive Change Cover Sheet
  2. Current physical address and proposed physical address
  3. Implementation date
  4. Describe the rationale and need for relocation
  5. Evidence the relocation has been approved by the institution’s governing board
  6. Describe the planned process for relocation
  7. Provide the number of students to be impacted
  8. Describe the instructional methods of deliver to be used at the location
  9. Describe the programs offered at the current location and what will be offered at the proposed location
  10. 叙述与支持证据表明,全职教师的人数在新的 location is adequate to support the mission and goals of the institution
  11. Describe the impact of relocation on library and learning resources
  12. Describe the impact of relocation on student support services
  13. 描述拟建地点的物理设施,以及这些设施是否足够 满足学校教育项目、支持服务等方面的需要.
  14. Describe how the institution will provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of campus
  15. Describe financial resources available for relocation on assessment of student learning outcomes for each educational program
  16. Provide a contingency plan in the event required resources to fund the relocation do not materialize
  17. 描述搬迁对学生学习成果评估的影响 for each educational program
  18. 描述搬迁对学术和学生服务评估的影响 that support student success