
Austin Peay State University Online Quality Fundamentals  

The text “Austin Peay State University Quality Online Fundamentals” is displayed in red gear with a grey checkmark outlined in red through the center.

远程教育 created the 365bet Online Quality Fundamentals (AOQF) to promote continuous improvement of online course quality, capitalize on faculty expertise, and increase participation in course reviews. 

AOQF provides a space for faculty collaboration and collegial discussion about online 教与学.  教师 work together as course representatives and peer reviewers to give suggestions for improvement based on the five 基本面. AOQF审查是 an opportunity for online course representatives to receive feedback on their courses in regard to research-based course design principles.


AOQF course reviews involve several steps. Please review the information below for details on this process.

  1. The Course Representative completes the AOQF Course Review ticket to instigate an AOQF course review of an active course they are teaching. 
  2. An AOQF同行评审 is assigned to the ticket and added to the course. The AOQF同行评审 will reach out to the course representative to establish a timeline and ask any questions they 可能会有. 
  3. The AOQF同行评审 completes the review by completing the AOQF Course Review Form and attaching it to the AOQF Course Review ticket. 
  4. After the review, there are two possibilities: 
    1. If the course meets all 基本面, the ticket will be closed and a course badge will be generated.
    2. If the course does not meet all 基本面, 远程教育 will support the Course Representative in making changes until the course meets all 基本面.  

Discrepancy Procedure: 

If a Course Review Form indicates that one or more 基本面 are not met, but the Course Representative disagrees with the decision(s), the course representative will meet with a 远程教育 staff member to review the fundamental(s) in question. If no resolution is reached, then three AOQF同行评审 will be asked to review the course for the fundamental(s) in question. The three AOQF同行评审 will individually provide a decision of “met” or “not met” for the disputed fundamental(s). The final determination regarding whether the fundamental(s) were met or not met is based on the majority decision among the three AOQF同行评审. 

This procedure aims to ensure a fair and objective resolution of disagreements while maintaining the integrity of the AOQF Course Review Program. 

If you have a current online course you would like to get peer-reviewed, please submit your request by completing the online AOQF Course Review ticket (opens new window).

To be eligible to participate in the AOQF program:  

  •  You must have a fully developed, current online course (Fall 2023)  
  •  The course has not been already reviewed by DE or QM 

If you have completed the APPQMR and have taught an online course in the last year, you could provide invaluable feedback to other 365bet faculty. To become an AOQF Peer Reviewer, please complete the following steps: 

  1. 提交一个 Peer Reviewer ticket (opens new window) to start your application and be enrolled in the AOQF同行评审 Workshop in D2L. 
  2. Once enrolled, complete the AOQF同行评审 Workshop and earn the certificate.
  3. After successfully completing the workshop, upload your certificate to your original 票的应用程序. 
  4.  Meet with a DE representative and start reviewing courses once assigned.

AOQF Course Review Form: Please fill this form out when completing a review of a peer's course.

AOQF指南: Please use this guidebook to help you complete the Course Review Form.