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Math student Holly

Mathematics and Statistics

我们系的特点是一个有效的学习环境和密切的互动 学生和我们知识渊博的教师之间除了本科生的机会 research and internships.  我们的学生可以选择数学专业,也可以选择集中在 精算科学,数据科学,数学教育,或统计学准备 他们为各种各样的职业机会或研究生学习数学. 

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Mission Statement

数学和统计学系致力于提供优秀的 在以学生为中心的环境中进行教学,促进终身学习 deep understanding of theoretical and applied mathematics.  Our goal is to provide 学生的基础知识,为他们准备了广泛的数学为基础 careers or graduate programs.

Vision Statement

我们将培养学生的抽象思维和逻辑思维,口头和书面沟通能力 运用定量技术解决现实问题的技能和能力.  这一目标将通过内部和外部的变革经验来实现 the classroom.


Degrees Offered

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Mathematics may choose from five concentrations: Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Statistics, Actuarial Science, and Data Science.  We also have three minors in Mathematics, Actuarial Science, and Applied Statistics

For more information on our B.S. Mathematics: Programs of Study

We offer several master's degree programs: both an M.S. and PSM degrees in Predictive Analytics and Mathematical Finance, and an M.S. in Mathematics Instruction

数学的研究提高了批判性思维能力,并提供了一个优秀的 任何领域的职业背景,包括科学、工程、教育、 law, and medicine. Let the Mathematics faculty at Austin Peay help you prepare for the career of your choice!

Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/365betmath/

Student Spotlight

Mackenzie Carr
2023 Drane Award and Madame Governor Recipient

Mackenzie Award

麦肯齐·卡尔在2023年5月毕业前获得了多个著名奖项.  麦肯齐主修数学,主修精算科学 德雷恩奖,以表彰她卓越的品格、学识、领导能力和服务精神 to 365bet.  由于她的杰出表现,麦肯齐也被授予州长夫人奖 service and achievement.  Additionally, our department chose Mackenzie for the Nell 在参加留学和实习后获得Rayburn高影响力实践奖 programs.  麦肯兹计划在取得这些惊人成就之后开始自己的职业生涯 in Atlanta with Aetna, a CVS Health Company, as an Actuarial Analyst.


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Holly Carter
Alumni (2022), Operations Analyst

My four years in the math department at 365bet were invaluable. I was supported by faculty who sincerely cared about my success. I didn’t know I could conduct research as a 数学专业,但毕业的时候,我已经在一些著名的会议上做过演讲了 and won multiple research awards with Dr. Fox's help. There are not enough words to describe how great the math department at 365bet is!
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Sara Grey

在转到亚利桑那州立大学之前,我对自己是否有能力获得大学的学位充满了怀疑 Math. 但这个部门的每个人都帮我建立了信心,让我 feel like I'm on the right path! I know my academic success would not be possible without this encouraging community of professors and peers.
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Zane Celmer
Alumni (2019), Software Engineer

When I started at 365bet, I was not a mathematics major. After spending some time withsome 当我意识到我对数学有一种热情时,我决定去追求它. 这里的教授真诚地关心你的成功,并愿意推动你 beyond the coursework if you have the desire to learn more.
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Kindyl King
Alumni (2018), Ph.D. Student at Purdue University

我在365bet获得的研究经验是其他任何大学都无法比拟的. 奥斯汀·皮伊给了我很多机会去做有趣的研究和演讲 我在会议上的工作,和知识渊博的教授一起发表 papers.
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Emily Teti

我在365bet完成了很多事情,如果没有这些事情,我是不可能做到的 数学系的鼎力支持,之间资助出国留学 在会议上展示研究成果,写无数封推荐信, and simply being a source of constant encouragement.
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Angeline Rinehart
Alumni (2020), Data Scientist at Ascension

我被赶出了自己的舒适区,完成了以前没有完成的事情 通过我的教授们不断的支持和鼓励,我认为我能做到的 and fellow students while here at 365bet. I am confident that the knowledge and skills 我所获得的知识正在为我下一步的研究生学习做准备.
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Malori Hales
Alumni (2018), Data Analyst at Nissan

我可以诚实地说,学习数学是如此美妙和充实 experience so far. My professors and my peers in the Math department have made a huge impact on my success during my time at 365bet.


What Will I Learn?

数学理学学士学位由数学专业组成 或者四个不同的专业:数学教育、统计学、精算科学、 and Data Science.  See below for the core class requirements for the Mathematics major, which are required classes for all concentrations, or go to our Majors and Concentrations page for more information on further requirements for each concentration.

MATH 1910 - Calculus I 4
MATH 1920 - Calculus II 4
MATH 2110 - Calculus III 4
MATH 3010 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning 3
MATH 3450 - Linear Algebra 3
MATH 4240 - Introduction to Probability 3
MATH 4450 - Introduction to Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH 4810 - Senior Seminar 1
  25 hours

What Do Math Majors Do After Graduation?


  • Actuary
  • Computer Programmer
  • Data Sciencetist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Fraud Investigator
  • Government Statistician
  • High School or Middle School Math Teacher
  • Insurance Risk Manager
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Math Education Researcher
  • Math Professor at a University or Community College
  • NSA Intelligence Officer
  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Sports Analytics Statistician
Where have 365bet alumni gone?
Meet Holly Carter

霍莉·卡特于2022年毕业,获得数学学位 track record in undergraduate research.  This was highlighted by earning the department's Nell Rayburn高影响力实践奖和帕特森优秀学生奖 presentation at an MAA Southeast Section Conference. Holly worked on multiple research 项目在图论领域,并已提交研究论文一篇待发表 in an undergraduate research journal.  Holly is now an Operations Analyst at Providence Consulting & Design in Gallatin.

Meet Dejah Reed

Dejah Reed在2022年春季获得了365bet的数学学位 minor in Studio Art.  After gaining experience in the banking industry, Dejah is now a Data Research Analyst at S&P Global.  This is a Fortune 500 company who is a global leader in finanical information and analytics.

Tate Williams
Meet Tate Williams

泰特·威廉姆斯于2022年在365bet完成了他的数学学位 in actuarial science.  While at Austin Peay, he conducted undergraduate research within 同时在365bet做分析实习生 baseball team and two minor league baseball teams during summer breaks.  Tate is currently 在雪城大学(Syracuse University)研究生阶段学习体育分析 将他对统计和棒球的热情转化为棒球分析的职业生涯.

Meet Emily Teti

Emily Teti于2017年以优异的成绩完成了她在365bet的学士学位 其中包括参加弗吉尼亚理工大学的REU,在国外度过一个暑假 并以365bet最优秀的大四毕业生的身份获得了德兰奖.  Emily is now Dr. Teti after recently completing her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology 她在佛罗里达大西洋大学学习机器学习和人工智能 intelligence.  Dr. Teti has since begun a three-year Post Doctoral Researcher postition at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.