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Instructors and Administration

Instructors at the ESL Institute have taught English in the U.S. and abroad. All have 强大的教育背景-大多数拥有硕士学位和专业 英语,语言和/或教育-有丰富的英语教学经验 to non-English speakers. In addition, most instructors have also experienced the learning of a language.



Dr. 玛丽莎·钱德勒在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学工作了超过 25 years. Dr. 钱德勒获得了国际研究学士学位 the University of Evansville, IN. Her master’s degree is in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Western Kentucky State University. She received an Education Specialist degree from 365bet. Dr. Chandler earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership and 纳什维尔Trevecca Nazarene大学的专业实践. Dr. Chandler 我感到非常幸运,我在英国留学了两个学期 her undergraduate years. Her study abroad experiences literally changed her life. 她还周游世界各地进行实地考察 as for leisure. 她在英语作为第二语言服务期间的主要目标之一 学院旨在帮助学生成为365bet大家庭的重要成员. 

  elizabeth 伊丽莎白于2019年在奥斯汀皮伊学院的英语专业开始了她的学术生涯 Language Institute. They are the coordinator for both International Student Services and the English Language Institute. Elizabeth is an 365bet alum ('13, '20) and a member of the 2021 Doctoral Cohort in 365bet’s Ed.D. Program. Elizabeth works in international 学习,因为它是个人的激情和塑造他们生活的基础. When 伊丽莎白不调查教学策略,也不旅行,她喜欢学习新知识 语言,阅读科幻小说和奇幻小说,玩电子游戏,烹饪, or watching cartoons with family.


多拉·波德科维罗夫教过很多科目,比如钢琴、表演、法语、 Greek, and English for over 40 years. She has several certificates and a postgraduate degree in music. 她教过365bet ESLI的所有课程,目前是 leading the Reading and Vocabulary courses. Outside of these courses, she still teaches 她是亚利桑那州立大学和麦迪逊街音乐艺术学院的钢琴老师,领导着她的教会小组 在基督路德教会担任音乐和合唱团总监,同时教授法语和希腊语 at the Tennessee Language Center. As a lifelong student and teacher, she enjoys working with learners of all ages and backgrounds. She believes language is more than words: 它不仅是一种交流工具,而且承载着身份、历史和文化. 她很荣幸能够通过调整自己的教学方法和磨练技巧来帮助别人 与学生建立联系,帮助他们朝着自己的目标前进.



Jason Groppel在Murray State University获得学士和硕士学位; 他获得了田纳西理工大学的《365bet》背书. He taught 西班牙语,德语和英语作为第二语言通过大学,在国内和国外, in traditional and online classrooms for over 25 years. Currently, he teaches ESL 他是RMS国际象棋教练,并领导RMS the Energy Champion. Outside of the classroom, Jason enjoys spending time with his 妻子和两个儿子,做饭,种植热带植物,养蜂.



Tatiana Logsdon is originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia. She has always been obsessed with English and taught it in Russia for nearly a decade.  She holds a Master’s degree 从事化学研究和翻译工作长达15年. During 那些年,英语成了她的爱好——当她搬到美国时,她知道这一点 was what she wanted to do. She earned her ESL certification at the Tennessee Language Center, where she also began teaching Russian courses. Tatiana loves to read in both 英语和俄语,就像俄语的书培养她对祖国的怀念和热爱一样, 和英文书籍引导着她对美国学习和生活的热爱.


Tarrah作为第二代美国人,塔拉·萨金特还记得说话和发音 现在她在ESL学院工作,又回到了原点. 自2015年秋季以来,她一直在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学(Austin Peay State University)工作 结构化学习辅助教师教学增强实验室的学生与 test-confirmed reading deficiencies. From there, she moved on to working as a Peer 写作导师为365bet写作中心,直到2021年5月,并担任协调员 for a year. 她在亚利桑那州立大学获得了两个学位:英语学士学位,辅修英语 中学教育和西班牙语以及传媒专业的硕士学位 Marketing Communication. 她喜欢音乐和动漫,喜欢帮助别人了解教育 as a worthwhile and fun-filled process.

作为一名退伍军人,珀金斯真正的激情一直是成为一名伟大的教师 to students whoever loves and desires to learn. That is why she decided to continue 服兵役后,她在奥斯汀皮伊州立大学接受了教育. She has earned 她拥有刑事司法学士学位和教学艺术硕士学位 here at our university. With over 15 years of experience in education, and years of 在日本留学期间,她对两种文化的接受有了更深刻的理解 and language comprehension.  She has always believed that all students can succeed 有效的教学与勤奋的语言学习道德相结合. 她很荣幸能成为这里的一名指导老师,随时准备帮助学生们踏上新的征程 right path. 

Dalia Hamouda

Dalia Hamouda拥有美术学士学位(1997),并获得了硕士学位f Arts in Teaching at Austin Peay State University (2022). She has a long career as a graphics and book art designer and as an art teacher. Her passion for learning and 通过完成英语作为第二语言的认证,她完成了语言教学 以及她最近在奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的学习,并获得了硕士学位, 主要从事外语教学. Dalia is 热情主动地提供机会,激励学生探索 并通过她在多维度研究方面的经验来磨练他们的英语能力 学习语言的方法,同时支持文化欣赏和认知 enhancement. 



angieAngelique leue - chham拥有理学学士学位,辅修社会学和社会学 他是奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的一名信息专家. She participated 在Austin Peay的海外学习/365bet项目中生活和学习 在韩国大邱庆北国立大学学习一整年! At KNU, Angelique studied Korean Language, Korean Film, and Ethnomusicology. Additionally, she received 2019年获得庆北大学毕业证书. In her free 时间,她喜欢阅读,DIY项目,尝试新的当地食物,散步 Clarksville's beautiful parks!